New research group members
We welcome Dona Gunawardana and Danilo Correddu to our Group.
Dona is originally from Sri Lanka. She has been living in New Zealand for 8 years and she is joining us as a BSc(Hons) student. Her project will involve structural and biochemical studies of a plant enzyme that is involved in ethylene biosynthesis.
Danilo is a native of Italy. He received his degree in Biotechnology from the Università degli studi di Sassari in 2010, and a Master’s degree in Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology from the same institute in 2012. He has also work experience at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, the University of Turku in Finland, and at a spin-off company from the Universidad de Barcelona in Spain. Danilo is joining us as a PhD student. He will work on structural and biochemical characterisations of human proteins that are associated with Parkinson’s disease.
