Posted under Academic Visitor

  1. Dr Richard Hopkinson

    Today we host Dr Richard Hopkinson of the Leicester Institute of Structural and Chemical Biology and the Department of Chemistry of the University of Leicester for a …

  2. Professor Sir Fraser Stoddart

    Delighted to attend the NZIC Auckland seminar (hosted at AUT) by Professor Sir Fraser Stoddart. Dr Cameron Weber (and other members of the NZIC Auckland Committee) are instrumental …

  3. NZIC Seminar – Dr Tobias Gruber

    On behalf of the NZIC Auckland branch, we hosted Dr Tobias Gruber of the University of Lincoln, UK for a seminar today. Dr Gruber gave an …

  4. Visit of Dr Aneela Maalik

    On behalf of the Centre for Green Chemical Science, we hosted Dr Aneela Maalik of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (soon to become COMSATS University) of …

  5. Visit of Dr Elena Harjes

    We hosted Dr Elena Harjes of Massey University, Palmerston North today. Dr Harjes gave an very interesting talk on her work on the APOBEC3 protein. You …

  6. Visit of Professor David Wishart (ANZMAG Lecturer)

    On behalf of ANZMAG and the School of Chemical Sciences, we hosted Professor David Wishart, who is the ANZMAG Lecturer in 2016, for a seminar today. …