Posted under Publication

  1. New paper in ChemistrySelect

    Congratulations to Yu Li, who is co-supervised by Professor Paul Kilmartin and Ivan, for her first-author paper in ChemistrySelect, which was published today. The paper described …

  2. New paper in MedChemComm

    Congratulations to Ram and Brooke! Their paper on ICL1 assay development is published in MedChemComm (impact factor: 2.608) today. Thanks also to Krunal (Reynisson Group) for …

  3. New review paper in Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry

    Congratulations to Naasson and Praveen for their new paper in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. In the paper, we talked about the applications of NMR spectroscopy …

  4. New review paper in Drug Discovery Today

    Congratulations to Ram and Brooke! Their review on targeting the enzyme isocitrate lyase for the treatment of latent tuberculosis was published in Drug Discovery Today (I.F. 5.625). …

  5. New paper in Scientific Reports

    Congratulations to Mike! His PGDipSci project, which involved investigating the use of waterLOGSY, a ligand-observe NMR technique, to determine protein-ligand binding constant was published in Scientific …

  6. New paper in OBC

    Congratulations to Thomas Hanauer (TU Bergakademie Freiberg; Dr Tobias Gruber Research Group, now University of Lincoln, UK), who joined our Laboratory as a visiting student in …

  7. Paper on HSP90

    Congratulation to Mike, Nasri and Yu. Their work on the development of HSP90 inhibitors, which was conducted in collaboration with Dr Jóhannes Reynisson and his student …

  8. New Cover

    Our review article “Protein-directed combinatorial chemistry: a guide to protein ligand and inhibitor discovery”, written by Mike and Ivan, has made to the cover of the …

Number of posts found: 38